Blue Light Filters: Fighting Insomnia

Woman looking at her cell phone in bedBlue light filters? What are they and why are they important? One of the ways that blue light blocking filters help is by fighting insomnia. Have you ever been awake too late on a work night, staring at the ceiling, just waiting to fall asleep? It can be very uncomfortable to struggle with insomnia. Whether you struggle to fall asleep from time to time or have been diagnosed with insomnia, you know how painful it can be.

Maybe you have heard that you are supposed to give up screen time before bed. You may have given this a try and seen a slight improvement, but it is still difficult to get a good night of sleep. The truth is, screens are not the actual issue. The issue is the blue light that they emit into your eyes before you try to go to bed.

What Is Blue Light?

Man looking at cell phone in the eveningIf you don’t know what blue light is, or how it affects you, this might be part of your problem. Many are still unaware of the harmful effects that blue light has on them and their sleep schedules. Understanding what blue light is and how it affects us is not difficult, but you wouldn’t know if you haven’t researched it before.

Blue light is just what it sounds like. It is the specific wavelength range of light that is, as it’s named, blue. The issue with blue light is that it decreases our bodies’ melatonin production. This has a very direct effect on our inability to fall asleep. In many cases, individuals struggle to fall asleep solely due to their blue light intake. However, blue light is found in virtually all sources of white light. Even the sun emits blue light to us every single day. So why is everyone so worried about the blue light that screens emit?

Blue light from screens affects us differently from any other blue light because of how we use it. The real issue is that we use these screens late into the night. Our bodies are naturally programmed to take in blue light during the day, from the sun. Ideally, after the sun goes down our bodies will begin to produce melatonin for us to fall asleep. However, when we expose ourselves to blue light later into the night, this is an issue.

Why Blocking Blue Light is Important?

With a decreased level of melatonin, our bodies’ will run into a couple of significant issues, the first being difficulty sleeping. Without the proper amount of melatonin, you will begin to experience restlessness, difficulty falling asleep, and even waking up early. If you are experiencing these symptoms regularly, it is important to reduce the amount of blue light you are taking in.

It seems like a quick fix to just stop using your technology late at night, but it is easier said than done for most of us. The truth is, this solution is very effective in reducing the amount of blue light you take in, it’s just inconvenient. The most convenient and effective alternative is using a blue light filter. This way you can still be productive at night or catch up on your favorite tv show or video series.

It is important to note that decreased melatonin affects more than just our sleep schedules. Melatonin deficiency is a common cause of depression, stress, anxiety, and many other issues. These symptoms are likely highly correlated with an inability to get adequate sleep. Long-term, melatonin deficiency can lead to an increased chance of developing Alzheimer’s, male pattern balding, or cardiovascular diseases.

Blue Light Filters

Blue light filters are extremely effective in reducing the amount of blue light intake and increasing melatonin levels at night. Many studies have been conducted on the subject to reinforce these claims. One of these studies was conducted at the University of Houston and revealed that blue light filtering increased participant melatonin levels by 58% at night. This is a very significant difference in melatonin levels. Almost as shocking is the fact that some still think that blue light filters are not helpful. If you talk to most people who use blue light blocking glasses, you will likely hear positive reviews, and about how they experience less eyestrain, headaches, and less insomnia.

Buying a blue light filter for your smartphone, tablet, or computer is one of the most convenient solutions to the blue light problem. This way, even while you’re in bed, you can block blue light without having to wear glasses. Some prefer the glasses though, as you only need one pair for all devices. There are a variety of blue light products that increase melatonin production and help users sleep better.

Other Blue Light Blocking Products

Blue light screen filters are extremely effective, but there are multiple other solutions to this problem. One of these solutions would be sleep glasses. These are targeted to help those who experience insomnia often due to blue light consumption. Sleep glasses are effective when worn for about 3-4 hours before bed. This timeframe will give your body adequate time to start melatonin production.

Computer glasses can be worn similarly (before bed) but are targeted to help those who deal with eyestrain from their screens. These can be worn during the workday and will help decrease the amount of eyestrain and headaches from being on the computer all day.

The last big product that will reduce blue light intake is blue light blocking light bulbs. Most users will use these bulbs in the bedroom to reduce their blue light intake before bed. This is extremely useful for those who like to unwind in their bedroom for an hour or more before falling asleep. Some users go as far as installing these lights across their homes. This is very effective, but most prefer normal lighting in areas like the kitchen or living room. This product, like the ones mentioned above, this product will provide a better night’s sleep Like about your rest.

Blue Light Filters and Insomnia

Girl looking at cell phone at 3:37 a.m.For many years the effects of blue light went unnoticed as people lay awake in bed due to melatonin deficiency. Today there are real solutions that work. Blue light filters for phones, tablets, and computers are among the best solutions for this issue. No longer do you have to give up the use of electronics to get a good night’s sleep. Whether you need to check your email or want to watch the new episode of your favorite tv show before bed, it is possible with blue light filters.


Blue light filters cover the screen of your electronic devices to stop blue light from entering your eyes. This allows your body to continue to produce melatonin, made in the pineal gland. Ultimately, these filters allow you to overcome sleepless nights.

Struggling With Insomnia? 

Start Blocking Blue Light Now!


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