Environmental cues are critical to establishing proper circadian rhythm. This article focuses on the role daytime light exposure plays however it must be understood that this is a multi-faceted process. Attention to nighttime light exposure must be made otherwise one’s circadian clock cannot be properly set. LowBlueLights’ products (Sleep Glasses, blue-free bulbs & filters) are designed to focus on the latter half of the circadian equation. Without eliminating nighttime (blue) light, the body’s sleep-wake cycle can never be defined as this light cues the body to remain in a wake pattern. Beyond being simply an external stimulant, the blue wavelengths within nighttime light sources also causes a physiological change. If nighttime blue light reaches the eyes, it signals the pineal gland in the brain to stop producing the sleep hormone melatonin until the eyes return to darkness. Our Sleep Glasses filter out all nighttime blue light which in turn, creates a virtual darkness. If used consistently (2-3 hours) prior to bedtime, as well as waking at the same time each morning to blue-rich sunlight, the desired cycle becomes well-defined and a proper circadian rhythm is established.
UnDark May 21, 2018
Age of Enlightenment: The Promise of Circadian Lighting
The impacts of artificial lighting on human health are not fully understood, but many scientists say enough is known to warrant dramatic changes now.