Matt Trenkle, Assoc. AIA, GSG Architecture

In appreciation for this, I would like to let you know how happy I am to have purchased these glasses and how much better I feel with them, day in and day out. I originally came to learn about the damaging effects of artificial light at night by reading the book “Lights Out: Sleep Sugar and Survival” by T.S. Wiley and Brent Formby, Ph.D. Upon reading the book I purchased a pair of generic red lensed sun glasses, not knowing that offered specialized sun glasses. After some searching on google, I came across your awesome website and I am grateful I did because the glasses and lights I purchased are instrumental in giving me amazing sleep, immunity, comfort and strong  and even energy levels throughout the day. I believe artificial light is responsible more than any other source for all the diseases and cancers we see around us today and could not recommend highly enough that everyone avoid blue light when the sun goes down by purchasing a pair of one of these amazing glasses.

You may re print or publish any or all of that onto your website or promotional material. I would like to let you know also that my recent girlfriend has decided to purchase glasses for herself and her child.


Matt Trenkle, Assoc. AIA

GSG Architecture

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